Channel: Resultados de búsqueda para “grant road rand bazar seen”– Grant 2017
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Social aid University of Granada


This scholarship has been extracted from the BEST GRANTS WEB: Grant 2017 - 2017 =)

The University of Granada, aware of the difficulties that may affect their students in the current socio-economic context and also considering the problems of diverse nature, which prevent them from dealing with expenses arising from their condition of students who, for various reasons, cannot access grants from the Ministry of education and culture or those of the University of Granada published a call for social aid, of an extraordinary nature, for students who pursue teaching leading to the obtaining of an official title of degree, graduate, engineer or architect, so that nobody is excluded from the study at the University for economic reasons, within the existing budgetary limits.  

– May apply for these extraordinary social supports students who are enrolled in the University of Granada in teachings leading to the obtaining of an official Bachelor’s degree, as well as teachings leading to the degrees of Bachelor, engineer or architect, those included in the catalogue of official qualifications approved by the Ministry of education always and when have not received during the 2013-2014 grant or assistance of the MECD, University of Granada, or any body or public or private management, with the exception of the cases referred to in paragraph 3 of this Base I (academic requirements).

– Seekers may not be entitled and shall be enrolled as a full-time or part-time, students except for those who were enrolled last credits for the completion of their studies. 

– Exceptionally be admitted enrolled applicants with fewer credits to those listed above, whenever is adequately justified why (work, care of sick relatives, lack economic resources etc.). In any case aid granted will be proportional to the credits.  

– For the purpose to evaluate the economic situation of the applicants, apply the criteria which, on family income and heritage, are set in the Official Gazette No. 198, 19 August of 2013, by which summon General scholarships for the 2013/14 academic course, for students of university educations (article 17.3 (: threshold for income and article 18 3, thresholds for family estate). 

– Who exceeds the above thresholds for income or heritage of the call reviewed in the previous section not be eligible for such aid. 

be taken into account for the granting of the requested aid, as academic criteria have been exceeded at least 40% of credits enrolled in the academic year 2012-2013. Shall not be eligible for such aid, therefore being incompatible adjudication with:

• students from other universities who are developing a national or international mobility program at the University of Granada.

• students who have been beneficiaries, during the 2013/14, of any other scholarship or aid of the MECD, the University of Granada or any body or public or private management.  • Students enrolled in a Master’s degree or doctorate.   

Commission of selection appointed for the purposes of this call will especially assess family and/or personal circumstances which are set out below:

• belonging to certain social groups (unemployed, absolute orphans, single parent families, family abandonment, ill-treatment family violence unemployed parents, death of parents, etc.). 

• students with dependants (parents, children). 

• not valued students, or families, disease / s by the medical tribunal. 

• have supporting documentation of the alleged social situation. Official accreditation of professionals or public institutions an advantage. 

• other social circumstances to assess by the Commission.  

based on the above requirements, support is available 450 with a complement of up to 400 euros each at most. However, staffing may be affected by the budget which, for this purpose, is assigned to the University of Granada, as well as the number of requests or other issues that may arise in the course of the resolution of these grants. The Commission appointed for this purpose may modify this provision on the basis of previously established requirements.    

requests are formalized by completing form which can be downloaded from the website of the Vice-Rectorate of students (http://ve.ugr.es), also you can provide in service grants, and must be accompanied by the following documents: supporting documentation of all social, family and/or personal circumstances alleged.

management unit may require the applicant documentation deemed necessary, by means of an e-mail to your e-mail. And must present it within a maximum period of ten days from the date of notification, and in the case of it, the request will be rejected.

applications, formalised in the form available on the website of the Vice-Rectorate of students http://ve.ugr.es, must be submitted at the General registry of the University of Granada or at any of the auxiliary records (whose relationship can be seen at: http://secretariageneral.ugr.es/pages/sag/registro/index). The deadline for the submission of applications is 14 hours on April 11, 2014. Exceptionally, when there are special circumstances that are valued by the selection Committee, applications deadline may be submitted.

All the complete information in Social aid University of Granada !

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