Channel: Resultados de búsqueda para “grant road rand bazar seen”– Grant 2017
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Award for studies on labour relations Concepción Arenal


This scholarship has been extracted from the BEST GRANTS WEB: Grant 2016 - 2016 =)

The Dean of the Faculty of law of the University of La Laguna, by express delegation of Mr. Rector Mgfco. of the University of la Laguna, it calls the studies Prize contest XIII of labour relations “Concepción Arenal”, in accordance with the following.


.-shall be eligible for award the students of the diploma in industrial relations from the University of La Laguna, with one or several unpublished doctrinal works and which have not been submitted at the same time to other competitions or invitations, either individually or in team of up to four authors at most.

second.-work which aspire to the prize will have to necessarily refer to matters related to the diploma and they will have to be typed double spaced, single sided, unlimited extension, original and three copies, omitting the personal identification of the author.

third.-these jobs are sent to the Secretariat of the Faculty of law of the University of La Laguna (Hornera road, s/n, 38071 – La Laguna, Tenerife), shall be attaching on closed with sealing or adhesive tape, which also expressed the title of the work and which will comprise personal data of its author or authorsyour address, contact telephone number and an affidavit of being informed in compliance with tax obligations and Social Security.

fourth-the deadline will expire fourteen hours on December 16, 2011.

fifth.-the appointment of the members of the jury that will decide the prize has been realized by the Faculty Board on a proposal from the HN Mr. Dean of the Faculty of law, between members of the Faculty of the diploma in labour relations, and is published in the official Bulletin Board of the faculty.

sixth.-the procedure for the award is the competitive concurrence, valuing the court objectively the work in response to the topicality of the theme and the scientific rigour of the methodology. The Court must substantiate its decision.

.-the verdict of the jury, which may be used as such an administrative act pursuant to the legislation in force, will be announced on January 10, 2012. The jury may declare desert award. The award ceremony will take place in the academic events planned for the celebration of San Raimundo de Peñafort.

eighth.-the strength of the prize will be $ five hundred (500), will be paid to the winner once the year 2012 budgets are approved, usually exist appropriate credit and adequate for this type of expenditure. In any case, the resolution is subject to the suspensory condition of existence of adequate credit to finance the obligations arising from it in the corresponding period.

9th.-the award-winning work as others submitted shall be kept in the possession of the Faculty of law of the University of La Laguna, which will have authority for publication by the means it deems appropriate.

10th.-participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules, which, according to the provisions of administrative law, liable for reconsideration pursuant to art degrees. 118 of law 30/1992 of 26 November, legal regime of public administrations and common administrative procedure and administrative litigation appeal pursuant to the fourth art. 46.1 of law 29/1998 of 13 July, regulating the Supreme jurisdiction.

features: the allocation of the prize will be $ five hundred (500).

origin of the Fellowship: Official Canary bulletin – 09/11/2011

shall be eligible for award the students of the diploma in industrial relations from the University of La Laguna, with one or several unpublished doctrinal works and which have not been submitted at the same time to other competitions or invitations, either individually or in team of up to four authors at most.

deadline: December 16, 2011

requests: this work will be sent to the Secretariat of the Faculty of law of the University of La Laguna (Hornera road, s/n, 38071 – La Laguna, Tenerife), shall be attaching on closed with sealing or adhesive tape, which also expressed the title of the work and which will comprise personal data of its author or authors, your address, telephone number and an affidavit of being informed in compliance with tax obligations and of the Security Social

provinces or countries of scholarship: Europe – Spain

All the complete information in Award for studies on labour relations Concepción Arenal !

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